2024.10.10-12   中国 · 佛山潭洲国际会展中心


2022-07-18 08:02:15

Paboco and the Paper Bottle Community further progress with the next generation paper bottle – reveals new groundbreaking paper closure!

In May 2021 Paboco announced the first prototype of the next generation paper bottle. What is the progress since then?

We have taken this bottle from development to realization – building the means of production to make next gen bottles a reality from 2023.

Paboco 和纸瓶社区在下一代纸瓶方面取得了进一步进展——揭示了新的开创性纸瓶盖!

2021 年 5 月,Paboco 宣布了下一代纸瓶的第一个原型。从那以后有什么进展?

我们已经将这个瓶子从开发到实现——建立生产手段,从 2023 年开始使下一代瓶子成为现实。

We are very proud to reveal our new advanced paper closure in collaboration with Blue Ocean Closures.The paper closure moves us closer to our target to develop a recyclable and fully biobased paper bottle.

The past year we have been focusing on the application method of the barrier coating on the inside of the paper bottle. We have our first coating line in place enabling production of more bottles for quality testing of our pioneer brand’s products and prepare for market introduction in 2023.

我们非常自豪地与 Blue Ocean Closures 合作展示我们新的先进纸瓶盖。纸瓶瓶盖使我们更接近开发可回收和全生物基纸瓶的目标。

过去一年我们一直专注于纸瓶内部阻隔涂层的应用方法。我们拥有第一条涂层生产线,可以生产更多瓶子,以对我们先锋品牌的产品进行质量测试,并为 2023 年的市场引入做准备。

What is the barrier made of?
This paper bottle generation has a thin PE coating suitable for products that need a good water vapor barrier. We will target to replace the PE with a biobased version to get another step closer to the vision of fully biobased and recyclable packaging

Carbonated beverages and more sensitive products are a challenge for packaging. To overcome such challenges, we are further developing the barrier material. The important first step is to ensure product quality - meaning a continuous layer of coating material applied across the inside surface of the bottle without voids that can contain liquids over a longer period of time.  

这一代纸瓶有一层薄薄的 PE 涂层,适用于需要良好水蒸气阻隔性的产品。我们的目标是用生物基版本取代 PE,以更接近完全生物基和可回收包装的愿景


So,it is a plastic barrier? Is it recyclable?

Our primary target is to ensure recyclability and repulpability of the paper fibers, a bottle with low carbon footprint and use as little barrier material as possible and still ensure good product quality.

Yes, this version has a thin PE coating that is a common barrier material for paper in the recycling stream with high availability and known barrier properties.

But with our new coating technology, we are of course testing other biobased barrier materials and properties. Our innovation journey will never stop, and we will always advance to improve our sustainability footprint.
是的,此版本具有薄 PE 涂层,它是回收流中纸张的常见阻隔材料,具有高可用性和已知阻隔特性。


”We at Paboco are very proud to share the next generation bottles with a fitting fiber closure. This sets another milestone in our defined development journey towards a fully fiber based bottle in every hand. Next, we will startup our developed coating line and build manufacturing equipment to enable mass production for market introduction in 2023” Says Florian Müller, CTO at Paboco.
“我们 Paboco 非常自豪地分享了带有合适纤维封口的下一代瓶子。这在我们确定的开发过程中树立了另一个里程碑,朝着每个人手都使用全纤维瓶的方向发展。接下来,我们将启动我们开发的涂装线并建造制造设备,以便在 2023 年实现量产并投放市场。”Paboco 首席技术官 Florian Müller 说。

Tell us more about the paper closure?

This is a groundbreaking development. In a group of development partners, we are prototyping a recyclable paper closure that fit Paboco’s paper threaded neck.Blue Ocean Closures are the first to develop this innovative concept for fiber-based screw cap solutions in an industrial capacity. Together we achieve this through excellence in material know-how and a cost-effective proprietary production concept.

The design is a combination of a thin top-seal barrier layer, possible to combine with different type of filled goods and a body made of sustainably sourced fiber material.


这是一个开创性的发展。在一组开发合作伙伴中,我们正在设计一种可回收的纸质瓶盖,该瓶盖适合 Paboco 的纸螺纹颈部。Blue Ocean Closures 是第一个以工业能力为基于纤维的螺旋盖解决方案开发这种创新概念的公司。我们通过卓越的材料技术和具有成本效益的专有生产理念共同实现了这一目标。


Can it be screwed on directly on the paper bottle?

Yes,this has been a clear target and why we have put a lot of efforts on developing a paper threaded neck to both avoid adding process steps and to maximize the fiber material as much as possible.


“It's thrilling to also work on a paper closure -it just makes sense, doesn't it? We are minimizing plastic content with every development step, and to bring in a fiber based cap is the logical next step. The combination, our paper bottle and this closure looks and feels amazing, and I can't wait to give this into the hands of consumers.” says Tim Silbermann, Product Development Manager at Paboco
‍“同时在纸瓶盖密封上工作是令人兴奋的——这很有意义,不是吗?我们在每一个开发步骤中都尽量减少塑料含量,并且引入基于纤维的瓶盖是合乎逻辑的下一步。这种组合、我们的纸瓶和这种瓶盖看起来和感觉都很棒,我迫不及待地想把它交到消费者手中。” Paboco 产品开发经理 Tim Silbermann 说

When will this next version hit the market?

We are targeting to start to roll out this next generation customized to our pioneer brands in 2023. Cosmetics, home care and still drinks will be among the first to market, but we keep our eyes out for other are as that could benefit from these innovation results.

If the paper closure development takes longer we will initially use standard closure solutions depending on the product that can be applied directly on our paper threaded neck. Such as screw caps, pump dispensers, peel off lids etc.depending on the need for the brand and product.


我们的目标是在 2023 年开始推出为我们的先锋品牌定制的下一代产品。化妆品、家庭护理和非碳酸饮料将是最先上市的产品,但我们会密切关注其他产品,因为它们可以从这些创新中受益结果。


What is the CO₂ footprint of this next paper bottle generation?

We are updating our LCA to show what paper bottle production looks like at its starting scale – We look forward to sharing this as soon as it is final. But we have high expectations on a low CO₂ footprint since Paboco only uses FSC certified wood fibers, produces low weighted rigid paper bottles with high recyclability rate in the paper recycling stream.

Paboco is a member of the 4evergreen Alliance we work to contribute to raise the overall recycling rate of fibre-based packaging to 90% by 2030.

Fibre-based packaging is already a vital contributor to the circular economy. According to Eurostat, fibre-based packaging has the highest recycling rate in volume (82%), above that of other materials, such as metal (80%), glass (75%), or plastic (42%).


我们正在更新我们的 LCA,以展示纸瓶生产在初始规模时的样子——我们期待在最终确定后尽快分享。但我们对低二氧化碳排放量寄予厚望,因为 Paboco 仅使用 FSC 认证的木纤维,在纸张回收流中生产具有高回收率的低重量硬纸瓶。

Paboco 是 4evergreen 联盟的成员,我们致力于到 2030 年将纤维包装的整体回收率提高到 90%。






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